Reimagine Your Photography

How Starting with ‘Why’ Changes Everything…

Why are you taking the photo?” That question absolutely changed the way I think about photography. It helped me see things differently. It forces you to choose a subject. I am excited to share more, read on, if you dare :)

The Power Of ‘Why’

Asking yourself why you're taking the photo keeps you focused on what the moment or scene means to you. When you ask that question, your eyes and mind focus on that one thing, that mountain, that waterfall, that person, and you automatically position yourself to take an awesome photo. It means something. It's the difference between a forgettable photo and one that sticks with you.

So, how do you find your ‘why’ in those moments? Start with the basics, what is grabbing your attention? Why did you hike to that spot, drive to that destination or what brought you to this moment? This line of questions or similar questions like it have guided me to take some of the best shots of my life. And at the end of it all, the shot or photo will mean more to you.

Fresh Perspectives

I have some spots here in Virginia that I go to for sunrise time and time again. Every single time I get up for sunrise, it always feels new. It’s raining, snowing, partly cloudy, I see some deer or bear, I hear owls yelling at me, maybe even meet some people as crazy as I am. Nonetheless I stop and pause in those moments and ask why am I here and what is speaking to me. In today's culture and world, everything is so fast paced that simple questions like this can help us stop and see things differently and in the end make us better at photography or whatever else we set out to do.

“The moment is worth more than the shot.”

Next time you venture out with your camera or just your phone, stop and ask why. Take a moment, grab a different angle and choose your subject. Trust me, I know the rush of having only minutes to capture a sunrise or sunset, everything seems like a blur. The moment is worth more than the shot. Don’t forget why you do what you do. So take a second and stop. Why am I taking this photo?

I would love to see some shots of your photography and why you do what you do. Shoot me a DM or email me, let's talk. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you have an awesome day or evening or whenever you read this! Z



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